When it comes to exercise, the ease at which we do so varies from person to person. Often, we find that differences in your gender (assigned at birth) is one of the biggest differences in how people train. Are these differences real, or are they simply misconceptions about how men and women train differently? In this article, we target five different ways that women exercise in ways different than men and some of the factors they face. When we discuss these points, we hope to find any disadvantages that there may be for women when it comes to exercise, and how that can be turned into an advantage.
Women Typically Weigh Less
Men are able to build muscle mass much quicker than women, which is why they tend to weigh more. Building more muscle mass only leads to more improvement, which can leave women who want to grow more muscle in a bit of a pickle. Per KPX Fitness, the advantage men have in this instance is that if a man is to squat, their weight and possibly larger height combined allow men to lift more, thus gain more muscle. Essentially, men and women can train the same way, but men could achieve women’s results with only half of their effort. As a result, women shouldn’t focus on trying to lift more weight, rather they should try to do more repetitions. There isn’t an exact percentage women should strive for to go above men, but if you have a training partner or are aware of men’s workout routines, try not to focus on how much they lift, but how many times they do and what period of time. Increase that gradually, and you’ll be able to see more definition.
Women Can Recover Faster
Longer and more intense training will lead to strain on muscles, but that’s not to be feared. In fact, women are generally able to recover from training faster than men. Note, this applies to training and not injuries. In between sessions, women are able to take shorter breaks as opposed to men. So, if you have been working out hard, but taking longer breaks, try to give yourself more of an advantage by decreasing those breaks. You might be surprised at how much more you’re able to exercise.
Women Have Public Training Issues
While this doesn’t pertain to physical health, it is still important to be aware of your surroundings when exercising in public. No one likes unwanted attention in the gym, no matter what your gender is. However, for women this issue is particularly troubling due to the culture surrounding gyms as naturally masculine. It’s a male dominated space, which can lead to discomfort, judgement, and even shame. However, you can make public exercise fun for yourself by attending gender specific gyms, wearing your activewear underneath other garments, or bringing along a friend with you to exercise.
Women’s Diets Differ from Men
You might be wondering why your diet isn’t working for you, even though you've seen results work for others. As it turns out, there are biological differences in your diet as well. If you’re not getting the right amount of vitamins or caloric intake, you could be getting mixed or unsatisfying results. For one thing, women need more iron in their diet. This is on account of menstruation, which is not something that men (assigned at birth) deal with. Some foods high in iron include spinach, chickpeas, and tofu. This is one of the various differences in dieting. It is also worth speaking to a doctor to specifically hone in on any female-specific conditions that would warrant an introduction to a new vitamin in your diet.
Pregnant Women Should Still Exercise
If you’re pregnant, your body will change to a degree that will leave some feeling like they cannot exercise at all. However, not exercising when pregnant could be dangerous to a woman’s health. While lifting weights or trying to run at top speed are not recommended, there are exercises that are safe for pregnant women to do, and beneficial. Stretching, walking, and yoga are great ways for women to stay active. Not all women face this issue, but those that do likely want to stay in shape so that they can go back to feeling the way they used to, and adjusting their diet back to what it was before.
We hope that this list encourages women to continue to pursue exercise in spite of any disadvantages that are faced, and to take action toward any of the advantages women do have when exercising.
Photo Credits: Nathan Cowley/Pexels.com
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